Sofia Sondervan, a New York Based Producer


When people think of movies they probably think of California. However, there are a number of individuals active in the film industry all around the country. As many people are aware, there are many films that shoot and take place in New York, and New York is the home of many talented people. Sofia Sondervan is just one film professional who enjoys calling New York home.

Sofia Sondervan earned her degree in film as a student in New York. She attended New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts whose campus is mainly centered around Washington Square Park. She put a lot of work into her studies and class projects. After she made her senior thesis film, she graduated cum laude with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Film and Television.

Sofia Sondervan loves her work. As a producer and dedicated film industry professional, Sofia Sondervan has had to leave New York on occasion. However, it is in New York that Sofia Sondervan still calls home today. She teaches in the graduate film department at the School of Visual Arts as well.

While Sofia Sondervan is glad to make New York her home, she has traveled to many places around the world to serve on industry panels. Sofia Sondervan has even served on juries for film festivals including the short film jury for the Toronto International Film Festival as well as on the jury of The Hamptons International Film Festival, The Mont Tremblant Film Festival in Montreal, and the School of Visual Arts Film Festival.

As a location of so many artists and sources of inspiration, many moviemakers are drawn to New York. This is why there are many film festivals that take place in New York. For Sofia Sondervan, this means she doesn’t have to go very far to stay in touch with others involved in the film industry.

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